‘Tis the season for pesky allergies, and you’re likely dealing with some of these allergens in your own home. Air particles in your home can wreak havoc on your immune and respiratory system and cause an allergy influx. If you’re an allergy sufferer, you should think about improving your air quality to minimize those symptoms. There’s not much you can do outside. However, there are a variety of air quality products on the market that you can use for your home. The first step is to create a cleaner, healthier environment–and it’s easier than you think! Here are ways to combat those allergies by using HVAC products.

Change the Air Filter

Though it may seem obvious, some homeowners forget this step. A dirty, dusty air filter can push the debris back into your return vents and have you breathing it back in. HVAC companies recommend a filter change at least every 6 months, and even sooner if you have pets. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are known to trap allergens better than a traditional air filter. They are especially preferred among pet owners because of this. Click here to read our blog about how to change your own air filter.

Get an Air Purifier

Not all allergens can be captured through an air filter. If you’re taking the necessary steps towards cleaner air and you’re still struggling with your air quality, try an air purifier. Air purifiers not only eliminate air particles, but they sanitize them as well. iWave air purifiers eliminate & reduce allergens in your home for a very reasonable price. You can read all about iWave air purifiers on our blog here. Another great product is RGF’s Reme Halo because it uses UV light and low level hydrogen peroxide to sanitize your space. You can read about the Reme Halo here. Both the iWave and Reme Halo drastically reduce the amount of bacteria, mold, dust, odor, and other unwanted air particles in your living space. Poorman’s provides these air purification products along with free quotes. Cleaner, healthier air is just one call away.

Perform Regular AC Maintenance

Expert furnace technician

Lastly, regular maintenance is key for clean air. A neglected HVAC system can hold a number of issues regarding your air quality, so seasonal maintenance is a must. Poorman’s provides Indoor Air Quality packages to Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio areas for less than $99/month. Click here to see what’s included. You can also sign up for the Preventative Maintenance plan, a twice/year visit for a technician to service your air conditioner in the spring, and furnace in the fall. Call for details or ask about more ways to combat those allergies (260) 422-3534.