Youve probably realized by this point that your old heating and cooling system is the appliance that consumes the biggest amount of energy in your home. For this reason, you should consider replacing it with something that’s better and more energy efficient. But how exactly can you tell how efficient an HVAC system can be? Easy–just check the label on it. Poormans Heating & Air, a trustedheating and cooling companyin the area, shares the essentials you need to know.

HVAC Efficiency Labels
From windows and doors to refrigerators and washing machines, almost every product and piece of equipment today is labeled. This provides homeowners with key product information, allowing them to make wiser decisions about their purchases. Along with the usual manufacturer’s tag, HVAC systems also come with an efficiency label that–as its name implies–contains the energy performance rating of the unit. Here are two of the most common efficiency labels youll see in a heating and cooling system:
1. EnergyGuide Label. This is found on most major appliances, including your HVAC system. It’s mandated by the U.S. Department of Energy and highlights the products energy efficiency information or estimated annual energy costs. To detail, the EnergyGuide label includes the HVAC units energy efficiency rating, where it falls efficiency-wise compared to other systems, tje approximate annual cost of its operation and other system information such as the type of system, unique features and fuel type. If youre having trouble comparing one HVAC unit to another, you can always turn to your premierAC company, Poormans Heating & Air. Well be more than happy to help you explore your options.
2. ENERGY STAR Label. Youre probably familiar with the white and blue ENERGY STAR label. Run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the ENERGY STAR program labels HVAC units, as well as thermostats and air purification systems, that’ve passed their strict energy performance requirements. Did you know that an ENERGY STAR-labeled product offers reduced energy costs and efficiencies up to 20% greater than those without? Youll know your new heating and cooling system is a high-efficiency model if it has this label.
In addition toAC repair, Poormans Heating & Air can also handle your HVAC system installation needs. Expect only the highest quality and most energy-efficient products when you turn to us. We serve the areas in and around Auburn, New Haven, and Fort Wayne, IN. Call us today at (260) 422-3534 or fill out thiscontact form to schedule your consultation.